• North Shore and OMC BBQ

    Thanks to some restaurant tips from a friend, we ate some amazing food up in Duluth, MN as well as visited Tettegouche State park for a waterfall hike. We stopped at the Palisade Cliffs along the way and got some good pics of Lake Superior! Definitely ate way too much BBQ food and ice cream at Love Creamery. Super nice getaway trip for a long weekend.

  • 4th Anniversary and July 2020 Adventures

    We decided to treat ourselves by going to Pittsburgh Blue Steak House for our 4th Anniversary.  We got in some biking with Jeremy, bought a Kodiak tent and went up to Lindsey’s parent’s land for some sweaty camping. Also, grandma turned 96!

  • Camping at Devil’s Lake State Park

    We had a great time with Lindsey’s siblings and their families at Devil’s Lake State Park. We went to the beach and swam a lot and also had a number of bonfires.  The Kodiak Canvas tent proved to be an immovable force during the monsoon rain storm that blew through for a 30 minutes.  We had a blast overall!

  • May and June Adventures 2020

    We have had a pretty active May and June despite Covid.  We’ve bought Kayaks and tried them out up north on Fish Lake.  We’ve gone camping a few times at Lindsey’s parents land as well as walked at a number of parks in the metro area.